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Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Pray this each morning

Put on the full armor of God each morning
Ephesians 6: 13 -17

“Lord, I choose to put on the helmet of salvation today in order to protect my thinking. I only want to think your thoughts, Lord. I do not want any thoughts in my head that will damage my testimony or my relationship with you. When satin sends one of his thoughts my way, I just want to thank you that this helmet of salvation will protect my thinking.”

“Lord, I choose to put on the breastplate of righteousness to protect my emotions. I only want to feel what you feel. Don’t let me react out of my emotions; rather, let me react to the obstacles and attacks of life based on the truth I know in my mind, in my relationship with you.”

“Lord, I choose to put on this belt of truth, and I ask that it keep the core of my body centered on your word. I want to live in the truth, walk in the truth, and testify to the truth.”

“Lord, I choose to put on the sandals of peace. Father, wherever I go today, I want to be a peacemaker. I want my footprints to be the evidence of the peace I carry in the Holy Spirit.”

“Lord, I choose to take up the shield of faith. I want to thank you that, no matter how many fiery arrows the enemy hurls at me today, no matter how many trials or temptations may come, I can stand safely behind the shield of faith.” Faith is a mighty force; It is our faith that makes the difference between success and failure, between victory and bitter defeat.

“Lord, I choose to lift high the sword of the Spirit, Your Holy word. Father, thank you for this Spiritual weapon that cuts so deeply to bring about such conviction and repentance.”

If I claim this armor in the power of the Holy Spirit, God will honor my commitment and I do claim this armor of God in the name of our Lord and savior, Jesus Christ, Amen.